Retirement Income and Required IRA Withdrawals
Retirement can be a highly rewarding and fulfilling stage of life as long as you are financially prepared. We help to ensure that you will retire with security to help make those golden years truly gold.
Schedule a personalized retirement checkup and financial planning meeting. The meeting will include a detailed retirement analysis, income and budget assessment and portflio review to examine your particular retirement situation and help improve your retirement outlook. I know that you will find this meeting quite helpful and, of course, there are no fees of any kind. I can also extend this offer to co-workers, friends, and family.
Required IRA Withdrawals at Age 72
If you own an IRA and you turn 72 the IRS requires that you begin to make annual withdrawals from the account.
At Cetera we make the whole process easy. We explain the entire withdrawal process to you step-by-step, and we can even setup automatic direct deposit withdrawals to your checking account.
Note that withdrawals are not required for a Roth. You are never required to make withdrawals from a Roth account.
For a comprehensive review of your personal situation, always consult with a tax or legal advisor. Neither Cetera Advisor Networks LLC nor any of its representatives may give legal or tax advice.
Will You be Ready for Retirement?